Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT)

— ajatustila: thinking space – space for thinking
— seeing and doing things differently
— preventive support and life management guidance
— coaching and therapeutic dialogue to harness your hidden potential
Are you looking for answers in your life? Does it feel like your thoughts are going around in circles? Do you feel you’re stuck in a setback or with a way of thinking? Do you need support in coping with social situations or at work? Are you feeling down, sluggish and despondent? That nothing brings you joy? Do you sometimes feel you need a listening ear, somebody to talk to or who can ask the right questions?
Only remote counselling available

Picture: Otso Puusti

Essentials of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT):

— focusing on resources rather than what’s wrong
— exploring possible and desirable future outcomes
— identifying the steps that have brought you closer to desired outcomes
— seeing the client as an expert in all aspects of their life
Solution-focused brief therapy is for you when you feel you need help or support resolving problems or finding clarity.
Contact Me
About Me
My name is Kirsimarja Monto-Puusti. I qualified as a solution-focused brief therapist from the Helsinki Psychotherapy Institute in 2018. I started Ajatustila in the autumn of 2019.

My undergraduate degree is in social services, and I have also studied psychology, social psychology, sociology, education and philosophy. I have also been trained in multicultural management, mentoring and coaching, and obtained a professional management diploma (JET). During my career I have been primarily involved in the social and educational sector, working as the director of an early childhood education centre for 25 years. Managing a multicultural early childhood education centre and leading a diverse community of co-workers was a highly enriching professional experience. My work with a multicultural team from different backgrounds and age groups taught me problem-solving, how to find strengths, give support, lend an ear, provide guidance, and how to learn and teach self-management – skills which are part of a solution-focused approach.

I draw energy not just from my work and meeting people, but also from the joys of nature, taking walks with my dog in the forest, and boating in the summer. I also draw strength from exercise such as swimming and yoga, as well as reading and pretty much any kind of culture. My main support and inspiration come from my family, adult children, and spouse.

I am a member of Ratkes Ry, the Finnish association to promote solution and resource focused counselling and psychotherapy.

Who can benefit from solution-focused brief therapy?

In solution-focused brief therapy we focus on resources rather than what’s wrong, explore possible and desirable future outcomes, as well identifying the steps that have brought you closer to where you want to be.

Why solution-focused brief therapy?

You should consider SFBT when you feel you need help or support resolving problems or finding clarity. I work with individuals or couples. I also provide coaching for groups or teams in the workplace.

When could you benefit from SFBT?

SFBT provides preventive support and can help during periods of rapid change or sudden crises. It can help tackle self-esteem and relationship issues, substance abuse or other dependencies, and in maintaining well-being at work. Therapy can also help expats reconcile two cultures, and address difficulties that can arise when you’re moving back home. The solution-based approach is well-established in Finland and the world. Solution-based methods have achieved good results in other fields, such as management and counselling in the workplace. If you need longer-term therapy or psychiatric help, I can assess your situation and can refer you to specialists.


Individual Therapy

60 min, 90 € /
90 min, 115 €

First visit -50%

Couples counselling

60 min, 115 € /
90 min, 150 €

Set of three appointments agreed in advance -10%

Group counselling and work community mediation

120 min, 350 €

* Laskutus sähköpostilla.